August 29, 2020

With Fruit Pig Black Pudding, Tim Allen’s Pork Sausage Meat and a hint of Wild Knight® English Vodka<

Serves 4/5



  1. Softly boil eggs, approx 2 mins.
  2. Finely chop black pudding, mix with salt and pepper and add Wild Knight Vodka then mix.
  3. Blanche quails eggs in freezing cold water and peel.
  4. Divide black pudding, and sausage meat into 5 equal measures.
  5. Mould around each Norfolk Quail Egg.
  6. Flour each, and dip into beaten eggs then roll in breadcrumbs.
  7. Cook for 3 mins in vegetable oil at temp 170/180°C, turning every 10 seconds.
  8. Serve with Charlie’s Norfolk Chutney and Piccalilli.

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Recipe by Charlie Hodson